2067 Merrick Rd, Merrick, NY 11566 | Mon-Sat 11-7:30p, Sun 11-430p (Closed Tuesdays in March)

2067 Merrick Rd, Merrick, NY 11566
Mon-Sat 11-7:30p, Sun 12-430p


Best Seller

Angel's Envy Bourbon 750ml

We will center the text so that it fits the bottle. More words equal a smaller font.

Engraving Add ons:
Label Fee (+ $10.00)
Bottle Lights (Battery) (+ $5.00)
Bottle Lights (USB) (+ $14.99)


A beautiful, mouthwatering newcomer to the whiskey scene. Named for the 'angel’s share,' the portion that evaporates from the barrel during the aging process, this golden amber spirit is finished in Port barrels, which explains those juicy red-fruit notes that slide into the long finish. Look for orange peel, vanilla and roasted nut flavors, too.